We work diligently with your security officer(s) and local law enforcement officials to determine the threat level of your event. We assess your site and/or venue and give recommendations including where to set up checkpoints, how many security personnel you may need, and what other security goods may be required such as tables, change bowls or search sticks. We supply the equipment, but we also supply factory trained and certified staff who can work the machines and perform repairs on all Garrett products if necessary. We also set up and break down all of our equipment for you.
Our Services
Checkpoint Security Solutions is a one-stop solution for all levels of security equipment and delivers the most advanced checkpoints to you.
We Assess Your Site

Emergency Plan
We take the time to discuss your event’s goals and design a plan customized for your location. This includes providing the right amount of equipment for your location based upon anticipated volume of customers during any given period. We work with you and your security team to provide a detailed emergency plan for your event or location which allows for rapid exiting at each checkpoint.

Real Time Data
Our machines keep track of patrons entering and exiting your venue and we have the ability to track real time attendance figures so that we can provide attendance numbers while the event is ongoing. These numbers will help fire officials and security officers to determine when your event has reached its maximum capacity.

The Best Security Solutions For You
We minimize wait times by adjusting the equipment to screen for specific prohibited items and reducing false alarms caused by jewelry, keys and other harmless items. “We see many checkpoint wait times being prolonged due to slow inspection processes and other times we see checkpoints inefficiently screening due to concerns about getting the crowd in. Our experience in the industry allows as to be as efficient as possible while still maintaining a secure site” explains Checkpoint president Darrell Dumestre who has been in the security industry since 2008.